The Fellowship of the Ring

Originally, Tolkien wanted Lord of the Rings to be one book. However, his publisher advised him to split the book into a series so that more people would be inclined to read it. The magnificent story begins with a young hobbit named Frodo and the journey that would lead him across Middle-Earth on a trip to destroy an ancient dark ring. The ring he inherited from his uncle Bilbo Baggins and now, Frodo must travel to Mt. Doom to cast the ring in the only place it could be destroyed. Three fellow hobbits, two men, a wizard, an elf, and a dwarf accompany him. Frodo must face Black Riders who serve Sauron and Orcs. At the end of the book, Frodo decides to split away from the fellowship because it is becoming too dangerous and it is Frodo’s burden alone. Sam, his hobbit friend, goes with him.

The book is different from the movie just like any movie adapted book. It has more details and you learn and connect more with the characters. In parts of the book, you could actually find that some of the dialogue is the same as in the movie!


Michael Antonio Araujo said...

Lol weird how me and my friend were talking about the split just yesterday. Haha, I tried to read The Hobbit and I finished. But then I tried the first one and omg I almost died lmfao. So blah! =D

But I like the movies =D WOO

(My Word Verification word was twartids reminded me of Twitards =X)

Jessica Cianci said...

Whats a twitard? lol And i love lord of the rings!! Mister, u need to read them.

Ky said...

*high fives Mike* Twitards indeed. It's like a Twihard Jess. Except more degrading towards them. :P

And omg! I feel the same way! I adored the Hobbit! I felt like I was slowly dying with every page I read of LOTR though. I had to stop or else I would have gone insane. I actually had to force myself to read it. Never a good sign.

(My word verifcation is shnoutm which I think just sounds funny)

Jessica Cianci said...

=O But...but... his writing is so beautiful and awesome and his fight scences are well put together. =O

My word verification is brackin?? why such weird words???